07 Aug 2019
Being first to cross the finish line is nice, but it's not so nice to trip over your own feet while doing so.
Make no mistake, we agree with speed, but that doesn't mean corners should be cut in order to be quick. You simply can't be fast #FFS (for fast's sake) or you’ll lose out on good quality in the process.
That means simple things such as grammar, fact-checking, and getting your content signed-off by the right stakeholders can't be overlooked no matter how time-sensitive things can be. Posting with the wrong account and sharing unapproved sensitive content that could put a brand in jeopardy are just some of the mistakes 'fast brands' make and it can bring an entire empire tumbling down.
As mentioned in our previous post, having too many rules in place can hurt the brand’s online responsiveness, but skipping fundamental safeguards—even if only for yourself—is a problem. Public mistakes do happen and someone has to take to blame for it.
Quality takes time. Agencies and marketers should never forget this when hyping the speed of their social media service.